Corporate Social Responsibility

Environmental Contribution Activities

Environmental Contribution Activities

▷ Environmental policy

Basic philosophy

O-Well, regarding “The Most Appropriate Coordination and Distribution” as its social mission, is aiming to provide the market and customers with optimum coatings and continue to develop and supply valuable products and services ahead of the market and customer expectations.

To fulfill the mission, our Company recognizes “global environment conservation” as an important management issue and makes efforts at environmental conservation and will operate the “environmental management system” as part of the management control to constantly perform business activities helpful for environmental improvement.


Environmental policy

1. Provide products, techniques and services matching the customers’ needs for environmental load reduction, and realize the needs.

2. Promote resource and energy saving and waste reduction, efficiently use resources, and appropriately control the paint and coating products to prevent air pollution and odor.

3. Observe the laws and regulations related to the environment and agreements in the industry, and make efforts at environmental conservation and pollution prevention.

4. Determine the purposes and objectives of environmental management, periodically evaluate the implementation and reexamine them, and make efforts at continuous improvement.

5. Communicate the environmental policy to all employees and persons concerned, promote the educational activities to implement the policy, and announce the activities to the public.

▷ISO 14001

O-Well has obtained ISO 14001 certification, international standard for environmental management systems, for the coatings and production goods marketing activities of Osaka Head Office (including Osaka Sales Office) and Tokyo Central Office on Aug. 29, 2002.

Accreditation body ANAB
Examination body BSI JAPAN
Registration No. EMS 60096
Date of registration 2001/8/29


▷ Outline of activities

1. Sale of environmentally friendly products

O-Well conducts environmental contribution activities by selling paint and coating materials and production goods.

* Sale of aqueous and powder coatings that can reduce the VOC emission

* Presentation of products that can contribute to decrease in energy usage at production sites

* Sale of energy-saving, long-life LED lighting products

* Sale of thermal barrier coatings and films that can contribute to energy saving.

2. Eco Office Activities

Osaka Head Office (including Osaka Sales Office) and Tokyo Central Office are performing Eco Office Activities.

* Monitoring and reduction of electricity consumption in offices
* Monitoring and reduction of paper usage